Mixed Media 5

 For both of these works, I used materials I had at my disposal, took photos of, and used photoshop to arrange them into more interesting pictures. 

For the first one I used plastic egg shells used to store chocolates and wrapped them up with white paper, and lastly glued them to keep it closed. I wanted to fit the photo in a certain scenario, so I picked a photo of a sleeping dragon and a background of a cave with some light and placed the images together. I started to blend certain areas with the masking tool to make the eggs for example fit in next to the dragon. I lastly used multiple color adjustments, and lowered the contrast to make the elements fit in together. 

The second digital work was with a plastic cup that I sprinkled water on to fit in the picture scenario that I wanted. I first placed a table and an ocean background to give the appearance of the cup and table underwater with regular fish which I found photos of and masked as well. Lastly I used a photo of multiple fish line up top to bottom and blended on the cup using soft light to make them appear as stickers and masked them so that they stand apart.
